09 May 2010

Project 2 Final Drawings

SCALE 1:100

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SCALE 1:100

Concept: This building relates mainly to the typology, which is an unconstructed bridge. This unconstructed bridge, can be seen as a metaphor for a journey. A fully constructed bridge, will allow two ways for the woman to enter, which will show that a journey has two ways or a journey is continuous. However, this is not the case for this situation, an unconstructed bridge, will allow the woman to only enter from one side and once she fulfills her 'journey' she needs to go back to her urbanised world but is now revived and nourished psychologically.

The corridor, is seen to be more private, allowing the widow to have more time to herself and is able to heal her traumatized life. The L-Beams, emphasise the journey and the corridor. The shadows and light that come from the L-Beams further emphasises the healing process. Each room, shows a progression a journey to allow the widow to heal from her 'traumas of reality'. The first room, is open as seen on the plan allowing the 'widower' to enter this space and having an aim to heal her mind and to bring peace from such a busy lifestyle she's been having due to the Industrial Revolution. The next room is a much larger and enclosed. This room can be seen as the 'thinking space'. In this room, the widow begins a train of thought allowing her to think about her isolated life from such a busy urbanised civilization. The light that enters the room is mainly from one side, as seen in the section, there is a wall that hides this window, allowing light to disperse out softly and subtlety. The third room is a long and narrow room, and is known as the ' analysing space'. This space represents the widow's time to relax and to analyse what she has thought in her thinking space. In order, to calm the widower there is an opening on the ground, allowing the running of water to be heard and also allow the reflection of light from water to shimmer on the walls of this room (which can be seen in the cross-section poche). The last room is an open space, representing the widow's conclusion of healing her mind. There is an opening on the structure as seen through the section, showing that although she has healed her mind she still needs to belong in this urbanised world, and hence, combines both psychological thoughts together.

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