27 April 2009

EXP 2 - Electroliquid Aggregation and Update on Unreal Tournament Work including meeting place

Two quotes:
Alfred Nobel:
He made his fortune by inventing dynamite and creating companies... to manufacture and market...his inventive drive... (by) manufacturing, in the firing of rifles and guns.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau- Ocean explorer, known for his extensive underseas investigations.... the inventor... and produced films concerning the oceans

Electroliquid Aggregation
Fortune was produced by the inventor(s) bringing them inventive drive. Whilst, Nobel progressed to manufacture and market... the firing of rifles and guns, Cousteau produced undersea investigations... to produce films concerning the oceans.

(Quotes Referenced, see previous entries)
Meeting place
Meeting place on UT

EXP 2 - Parallel Projections

Meeting Points

20 April 2009

EXP 2 - Practice on Unreal Tournament 2004

Scientist: Alfred Noble and Jacques-Yves Cousteau

EXP 2 - 18 axonometrics

Alfred Nobel

Jacques-Yves Cousteau

06 April 2009

The Edge-EXP2 Intro

Keith Campbell- his interest in cell division and differention and in the cell cycle.... led to.... the now world famous birth of Dolly the sheep, the first animal to be cloned from an adult, differentiated cell

MBLWHOI Library. Cloning Dolly, How and Why?. THE MBLWHOI Library. http://www.mblwhoilibrary.org/services/lecture_series/campbell/about.html (accessed 6th April, 2009)

Alfred Nobel- He made his fortune by inventing dynamite and creating companies... to manufacture and market...his inventive drive... (by) manufacturing, in the firing of rifles and guns.

Keyles, Daniel J. The Unhappy Inventor. http://search.ebscohost.com.viviena.library.unsw.edu.au/login.aspx?direct=true&db=buh&AN=12141145&site=ehost-live (accessed 6th April, 2009).

Jacques-Yves Cousteau- Ocean explorer, known for hist extensive underseas investigations.... the inventor... and produced films concerning the oceans

Encyclopedia Britannica. Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/140955/Jacques-Yves-Cousteau (accessed 6th April, 2009)

01 April 2009

EXP 1 - Experiment 1 Conclusion

Above Studio:
Tracey Moffat

Underground Studio:
Fiona Hall
Materials Include:
Above Studio:
- Matte Steel for the whole designs except one wall is made out of translucent glass. Stairs are also made out of matte steel, however the supporting material that holds the stairs are made out of plain steel.
- Made out of dented stone (texture) the floors are made out of timber/wood to make it look more professional
Underground studio:
- The outside structure is made out of concrete whereas, the walls inside are made out of compiled (texture) stone. The floor and also the stairs are made out of timber. The support for the stairs is made out of marble stone, this marble stone also holds the translucent glass.

Textures used:
- Above Studio
- Ground Level
- Underground Studio


Underground Studio Stairs- Fiona Hall
Above ground Studio Stairs- Tracey Moffat
Flourish and Sequence

EXP 1 - Videos of Experiment 1
